Display TMATS ------------- A program for reading a displaying the TMATS setup record from a Ch 10 data file or TMATS text file. Release 2.0.0 - Complete rewrite in C++ and Qt - Support for all G, R, and P fields - Added IRIG Ch 9 signature Release 1.8.0 - Display embedded PCM stream info in tree view Release 1.7.1 - Changed Include G flag to Exclude G flag so that signatures would be compatible with previous versions. Release 1.7.0 - Modified TMATS signature Made G field inclusion optional 0x8 - G fields included Release 1.6.0 - Added TMATS signature TMATS Signature Format FV-SSSSSSSS where 'SSSSSSSS' is signature value in hexidecimal. 'FV' is OpCode in hexidecimal. OpCode defines how the signature was calculated. The OpCode field describes the signature algorithm and option flags used to generate the signature. In the OpCode field: 'V' identifies the TMATS signature algorithm version 'F' identifies optional flags 0x1 - All TMATS fields included 0x2 - Comment fields included 0x4 - Vendor fields included Release 1.5.1 - Fixed line terminator in formatted view Release 1.5.0 - Converted to use IRIG 106 .NET Assembly dll and unmanaged IRIG 106 dll library - Added support to read TMATS text file - Fixed display of PCM sync pattern - Added Formatted / Unformatted raw display option